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The Incentive for Excellence

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2 minutes reading time (452 words)

Unique Venues - Think Differently!


Not everyone has a million-dollar budget and can offer million-dollar dreams for their clients. Depending on the meeting or client, you may have to get crafty in finding space and a destination that is functional and budget savvy! In the event industry, we are always searching for that perfect venue for our clients. Making their dreams come into focus while doing everything we can to think outside of the box for a truly original idea. Here are a couple of unique and cost-effective venue ideas to consider when booking your next meeting.

First, entertain the idea of a luxury movie theater. For some meetings, there are many benefits to hosting at a luxury theater.

  • Built-in technology services
  • Lack of competition for the space
  • No restrictions on catering; you can pick your own
  • Perfect venue for a product launch
  • Customer-appreciation events that include families
  • Multiple locations allow for a local destination for your client and a one-stop shop
  • Capability to produce a satellite webcast for remote participants
  • Flexible scheduling: booking window is two weeks to two years in advance
  • Competitive rates for audio-visual services

Consider a ballpark for your next unique eventSecond, look at a ballpark for your next unique event. Stadiums have the capability of hosting concerts like U2’s 360 Tour, opening and closing ceremonies for the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City, or welcoming smaller corporate holiday parties in a variety of private sky boxes. Planners have the ability to host events of all sizes thanks to a variety of spaces, special services, and stadium seating. Here are some ballpark benefits to consider when booking your next meeting.

  • Anything is possible! Look at the venue with the exception of the grass and seats like a blank canvas and create away.
  • It’s a unique venue that the public does not have access to, so you can make your event memorable and creative.
  • A variety of indoor as well as outdoor spaces to choose from.
  • Large-screen technology to display messaging/presentation.
  • Unique, autographed souvenirs for each guest.
  • Special appearances with players, cheerleaders, alumni, etc.
  • Team building to include group softball, baseball games, and/or batting practice for attendees.
  • Behind-the-scenes experiences of dug out, clubhouse and press box.

However, scheduling can become an issue with stadium or ballpark venues. It is important to know what dates are available out of game season to book these venues. Once the game schedules have been determined, the venue is usually available for booking. Another issue to take into consideration is inclement weather. If you choose an outdoor space, it is always important to have a weather back-up in place.

No matter the location and your budget, if you look at some venues through a different lens you may find benefits that you have never seen before.

Q & A with Air Tahiti Nui
The Incentive Experience of a Lifetime


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THU, March 13, 2025