The Incentive for Excellence
An Industry Blog on All Things SITE. Your one stop shop for chapter news, industry events, trends, and tips from the pros.
Apply for Scholarship to Attend SITE Global Conference 2016
Registration for the SITE Global Conference will open soon and the annual scholarship to attend is open!
The David Riddell Memorial Scholarship was created in memory of SITE Past President David Riddell to provide an opportunity for worthy individuals to participate in SITE educational programs. The scholarship will fund Global Conference attendance costs up to $2500 for one recipient chosen based on financial need and submission of the application and essay explaining the personal importance of SITE and attendance of the conference. A chapter leader, preferably the president, must vouch for the individual on the application.
Download the application & more information…
Thank you!
SITE SoCal Board of Directors
About the author
Our blog is collectively written and brought to you by our members, friends, board of directors, and sponsors. These are the great minds who are active within our organization, and are leaders of our industry. This blog is a group collaboration of relevant and interesting tips, tricks, and trends along with being educational and supporting SITE’s overall values: to connect, to create, to trust, and to achieve results.