The Incentive for Excellence
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New Member Spotlight – Joe Marcy
Name: Joe Marcy, CMP, Regional Sales Executive
Organization: Monterey County CVB
Quick Bio: Born and raised in Manhattan Beach, CA. Has worked for Starwood and CVBs in the past. Loves the industry and the people. Will be the 2017-2018 President of MPI Southern CA.
What is your favorite part of being a new SITE member? Love the experiences that SITE creates for its members. Excited to be a part of it.
What are you hoping to gain from being a SITE member? Build relationships and get more involved with the chapter.
Why did you decide to work in the incentive travel industry? Really enjoy all aspects of the hospitality industry.
About the author
2019 SITE SoCal President
Sales Manager
a Luxury Collection Hotel, San Diego