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3 minutes reading time (676 words)

Fill Your Life with Purpose

Fill Your Life with Purpose

How do I stay motivated day in and day out?

How do I gain more confidence with clients?

How can I reduce my fears and anxiety when speaking to groups?

These are typical struggles for event planners. While there are no easy answers, the best response I can give you is to fill your life with purpose. When this happens, you will be mentally and emotionally tough. Ultimately, you will be at your best day in and day out, regardless of situation or pressure placed upon you.

A great example of someone who has premier emotional toughness because he lives in purpose is Philippe Petit, who was featured in the Academy Award winning documentary, Man on Wire.

While just a young boy, Philippe saw a picture of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, and at that moment, decided he would walk across them on a tight wire. Yes, it was a crazy thought and a dangerous one. But for the next 20 years, Philippe dedicated his life to mastering his craft and fulfilling his dream.

When he got older, he visited New York City three times to develop a plan on how he could get to the top of the towers and set the stage for his death-defying feat. It was trespassing so he needed to by stealth and figure out a plan that would work. On his third visit, he brought his team with him and they decided to shoot arrows across from one tower to the other. These arrows were tied to a rope and then they would pull them tight enough so Philippe could walk across.

Then Philippe did the unthinkable. He walked across the towers on a tight wire and people on the streets of New York City were amazed. Thousands stopped to watch him. The police wanted to arrest him and the media made him an instant celebrity.

When he came off his wire and touched the ground once more, he was asked this simple question, “Why did you do it?” Philippe Petit poignantly answered, “There is no why.”

He did not do this amazingly risky feat for praise, accolades, fame, or fortune. He did it because it was his purpose. And when he lived in purpose all those years, Philippe was completely committed to his task, he was confident he would accomplish it, and he had peace of mind when doing this most dangerous act. Because Philippe Petit lived in purpose, he had premier emotional toughness.

You must live in purpose if you want to be at your best, in every situation. But I am not suggesting you quit your job in event planning and start a charity in Haiti to educate children. While wonderful, that would not be realistic for most people. But you can always fill your life full of purpose, every day at work. Here is a 3-step strategy to accomplish this vital life ingredient:

  1. Recall a time in your life you had a meaningful impact upon another person’s life. You also must be aware of “why” this event inspired you. In this case, there is a “why”.
  2. Think of buzzwords that represent the situation for you. For instance, you helped a younger colleague to become an expert in your profession through your teachings. This had a meaningful impact on his life. Your buzzwords could be “Be the teacher”.
  3. When you are feeling de-motivated and a bit burned out, you need to say your buzzwords and visualize the situation that it represents. These words and image will inspire you and fill your life with purpose when you need it the most.

At the turn of last century, the famed psychologist William James stated,

“Compared to what we ought to be, we are only half awake. The human individual lives far within its limits. He possesses powers of various sorts which he habitually fails to use.”

Living in purpose will help you to become awakened to your true talents and allow you to become the person you were always meant to be.

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