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6 Event Marketing Tips to Build Your Guest List

6 Event Marketing Tips to Build Your Guest List

Fourth Wall has helped you set the date, book a venue, and design a one-of-a-kind corporate event experience, but you might still be worried that guests won’t show up. Successfully marketing your event might seem like a daunting task, but luckily according to Forbes Magazine, it’s a lot easier than you think.

  1. Create an event page
    Nothing adds legitimacy to an event like a well-constructed event page or website. Potential attendees who need to dig into the second or third page of results while Googling your event could wind up not attending at all. An entire website dedicated to an event is great, but if you don’t have the time or budget, use an EventBrite page.

  2. Send reminders
    People are busy – it’s a simple fact of life – so they might forget about an event they RSVP’d to months ago. If you have your guest’s email addresses, an email-marketing blitz in the days and weeks prior to the event could rekindle enthusiasm.

  3. Get social (media)
    We recently covered How to Successfully Promote Your Next Event on Facebook, but to truly promote your event your social media presence should be firing on all cylinders. Don’t stop at Facebook, also utilize Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Snapchat – you can never have too much.

  4. Lock in vendors
    Booking in-demand and popular vendors can add that much-needed buzz to your event. Attendees want good food, good drink, and a fun atmosphere, so attaching big names to your corporate event can really get people talking. We recently highlighted 10 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Caterer, which will really help with the process.

  5. Hit the presses
    Industry reporters are always excited to hear about major corporate events, and will gladly give you coverage if you put together a well-crafted and concise news release. Start with local media and work your way up to larger outlets. Also conduct research on industry and trade associations relevant to your company, they often publish newsletters and might want to make your event a highlight.

  6. Ride the wave
    Use tips one through five to build momentum and create excitement leading up to your event. Take it a step further and kick it all off with a big opening act, which could include a popular speaker or contest. This will get people lining up at the doors to get there early.
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