Our goal and tagline this year was “Elevate the Experience” and I think we can safely say we delivered on our promise! I am proud, honored and beyond thrilled to announce that SITE SoCal has won the Chapter of the Year Award for 2015.

The Incentive for Excellence
An Industry Blog on All Things SITE. Your one stop shop for chapter news, industry events, trends, and tips from the pros.
Last week we welcomed Brian Griffith to the SITE SoCal Board of Directors. We asked Brian a few “get-to-know-you” questions, see what he had to say below!

This July, SITE SoCal launched its first ever members only Mentorship Program and it was received with open arms. “Our goal for our inaugural launch was a minimum of 10 participants. We were thrilled when the interest was so high in this new program, that we matched 20 members for a total of 10 pairs,” said Kathryn Wells, VP of Leadership for SITE. Kathryn worked side by side with myself (Leadership Chair for Young Leaders), Nikki Wilbur (Leadership Committee), and Jamie Lee Clave (President of Young Leaders) to match each person based on a questionnaire that included topics like current roles and future aspirations. Members were so enthused we even have a remote pair working out of Chicago!
Positive feedback as already been flowing in. “Our email exchange initially was great fun and we learned so much about one another over email. However, when we met face to face it was even more special! We learned all about one another from our upbringing to our paths in the industry,” said Jamie Lee Clave, Chair for SITE Young Leaders about her first mentor meeting.
I feel fortunate to be part of our vibrant, exciting industry that creates so many job opportunities for individuals at almost every level in such a wide variety of categories. I’m proud to be a part of it for many reasons – the opportunities we get to make a difference, the ROI we provide, the knowledgeable professionals that make up our hospitality community and the enthusiasm for the work that we do. I am also now proud to be a part of our efforts and gains around industry advocacy – in raising awareness and support for how meetings and events help drive the global economy, jobs and knowledge sharing.
Prior to 2009 and the US financial crisis, advocacy was not a word generally heard in connection with the meetings, events and incentive travel industry. When money seemed like it was flying everywhere but into our pockets or strengthening our businesses, when meetings were being cancelled and planners laid off, our first thoughts were not of advocacy but of survival. In an industry where sole proprietors, and companies of all sizes could do what they loved and earn a good living, the financial meltdown was an unpleasant, unexpected shock and a wakeup call of massive proportions.
The industry had suffered downturns before but this was different. The severity of the situation made us realize it was time for action and since then, the meetings industry has made some substantial progress.
The US Travel Association has served as a consistent voice for the value of business travel and meetings and its direct link to the future health and growth of the US and global economy.